Conia Core


This library is under active development, some of its features are still experimental and subject to change. Large parts of the documentation are missing.

A lightweight web framework which utilizes PSR components.

Basic usage

use Conia\Core\App;
use Conia\Core\Factory;
use Conia\Core\Factory\Guzzle;
use Conia\Core\Request;
use Conia\Core\Response;
use Conia\Route\After;

$factory = new Guzzle();
$afterHandler = new class ($factory) implements After {
    public function __construct(protected Factory $factory)


    public function handle(mixed $data): mixed
        return Response::create($this->factory)->body($data);

    public function replace(After $handler): bool
        return false;

$app = App::create($factory);

$app->get('/{param}', function (string $param) {
    return $param;

$app->get('/', function (Request $request, Factory $factory) {
    $response = $factory->response();

    return $response;
$response = $app->run(
assert((string)$response->getBody() === '');
$response = $app->run(
assert((string)$response->getBody() === 'test-string');